Soccer Mix – Irrigated Turf


This all-purpose irrigated lawn blend is created for the Southwest.  It is comprised of a mix of Kentucky Bluegrasses, Creeping Red Fescue and Perennial Rye.  Kentucky Bluegrass is one of the premier irrigated grass species because of its spreading characteristics.  It can reproduce from seeds and from its root system.  It is a deep luxurious green, with fine leaf blades.  It likes full sun.  The Creeping Red Fescue looks similar to the Kentucky Bluegrass but thrives in shadier areas so if you have both sunny and shady parts of your lawn the Creeping Red Fescue will dominate in the shady areas.  The Perennial Rye establishes quickly to act as a nurse crop to the slower germinating species.  A soccer lawn needs frequent waterings, 2-3 times per week and up to daily in the heat of the summer.

  • Kentucky Bluegrass (Multiple varieties)
  • Creeping Red Fescue
  • Perennial Rye


(Common Name)
Scientific Name: Color: Bloom Period:

Additional Information

  • Variety Release Sheet:
  • USDA Sheet:


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