Buffalo Grass – Drought Tolerant Turf


Buffalo grass is a warm season, native, blue-green spreading turf grass.  Being a warm season grass it is not suitable for altitudes above 6500 ft.  As a warm season grass it requires much warmer soil temperatures than cool season grasses.  On average if cool season grasses are greening up in April, a warm season grass is not greening up until late May – early June.  However, the trade off is that Buffalo grass forms a dense turf that stays very low growing naturally and spread by above ground stolens much like Strawberries.  It can handle high traffic.  It does not need a lot of supplemental moisture after it gets established.  The seeding rate for Buffalo Grass is 2-3 lbs/1000 sq ft.


(Technically this is not a mix but it is classified with the other lawn mixes.)


(Common Name)
Scientific Name: Color: Bloom Period:

Additional Information

  • Variety Release Sheet:
  • USDA Sheet:


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